
This is the privacy policy for Chat AI and its various and subsequent versions (hereinafter collectively referred to as "us", "us", or "our") applications. In this privacy policy, we refer to our products and services as "services". Please continue reading to learn more about our data processing practices. By using the service, you agree to the terms of this privacy policy. If you do not agree to the terms of this privacy policy, please do not use this service.

Collection of Personal Data

When you install services and register on your device, you may collect personal identification information about you during the service download process (according to the requirements during the download process) and when you register with us. When registering, you need to provide your email address, city, gender, and name, depending on the device you are using in the service. You can also provide personal identification information, but this is optional. When you log in with your Facebook account, we may collect additional information you provide us (please refer to "Your User Profile" below).

In addition, when you install services and register on your device, the system may require you to allow us to access your address book. If you agree, we will have access to the contact information (name, number, email, and Facebook ID) in the address book on the device you use for the service, but we will not be able to access notes or other personal information in the address book, and we will store them on our server and use them to help you use the service, for example, By synchronizing contacts between different devices that you may want to use with the service.

We may also collect non personally identifiable information, such as certain personal information, including country of residence and preferences. In addition, we may collect and store information about your and others' use and interaction with the service and our website, including competitions, number of competitions conducted by members, duration of competitions, SMS, geographic usage, device and connection information, IP address, device functionality, bandwidth, page view statistics, network type, and traffic entering and exiting our website.

Our application allows you to share text messages, photos, screenshots, videos, and other communication with other users in the application. If you choose to do so, your text messages, photos, screenshots, videos, and other communication will be stored on our server. In addition, if you choose to share these items with other users, we may not be able to remove them from our server or make them unusable by anyone you share with. Sending and sharing text messages, photos, screenshots, videos, or other communication within the application is up to you. By choosing to share this information, you should be aware that you may no longer have control over the way it is used and that it may become public (depending in part on your behavior or the behavior of others sharing the information with you) We are not responsible for any use or abuse of the information you share In addition, if your conversation partner reports your abusive behavior or language to us, conversation information stored only on your partner's device (such as voice, screenshots, or conversation content) may be transmitted to our server. The information transmitted in this way will be processed by us to determine the authenticity of the report and determine your level of punishment when needed.

If the service crashes or hangs, we will also collect error report information so that we can investigate the error and improve the stability of the service for future versions. Generally speaking, these reports do not contain personally identifiable information or are only incidental. As part of these error reports, we will receive information about the type and version of your device, device identifier, time of error occurrence, features in use, and application status at the time of error occurrence. We will not use this information for any purpose other than investigating and fixing errors.

Sharing of your information

Without your consent, we will not rent or sell your information to third parties, unless otherwise specified in this privacy policy.

The parties with whom we may share your information:

-We may share user content and your information (including but not limited to information from cookies, log files, device identifiers, location data, and usage data) with enterprises legally belonging to the same group company, or become a part of that group ("affiliated companies"). Affiliated companies can use this information to help provide, understand, and improve services (including by providing analysis) and affiliated companies' own services (including by providing you with a better and more relevant experience). But these affiliated companies will respect your choices regarding who can see your content.

-We may also share your information and information from tools such as cookies, log files, device identifiers, and location data with third-party organizations ("service providers") that assist us in providing services to you. Our service provider will have access to your information, which is necessary for providing services under reasonable confidentiality terms.

-We may also share aggregated or anonymous information with third parties, including advertisers and investors. For example, we may tell our advertisers the number of users our application has received. This information does not contain any personal or personally identifiable information and is intended for the development of content and services that we hope you will be interested in.

-We may delete some data that can identify you and share anonymous data with other parties. We may also combine your information with other information and share the aggregated information in a way that is no longer associated with you.

You can choose to share your user content with the following parties:

-Any information or content voluntarily disclosed by you for publication to the service, such as user content, will be open to the public. With this function, we can avoid the infringement of exhibitionism. Once you share user content or make it public, it may be re shared by others.

-If you delete the information and content you create on the service (such as screenshots, etc.), the copy may remain visible in the service's cache and archive pages, or if other users or third parties copy or save the information (such as Facebook, ETC.).

How we use collected information

We only use or may disclose your personal information in the following circumstances:

-Verify your identity; Connect you with others who have enabled the service;

-Share your personal information with others on the service; Allow you to use certain features of services that may be provided from time to time (such as advanced services (please refer to our terms of use);

-Show you the name of the person you are communicating with, and show your name to the person you are communicating with on the service; Send you any administrative notices, reminders, and communications related to your use of this service;

-Provide you with the relevant content you requested, using information you allow us to collect from you or information you provide to social media providers associated with your account, such as information about the respective locations of you and your contacts;

-Contact you via email, text message, or other means to notify you of our new products, services, or promotional activities (you can send an email to [email protected] To choose to exit this type of email or text message;

-Used for internal operations, including troubleshooting, data analysis, testing, research, service improvement, detection and prevention of errors, fraud, or other illegal activities;

-When we sincerely believe that laws, any legal proceedings, law enforcement, national security, or issues of public importance need to be disclosed;

-Protecting and defending our rights or property (including enforcing our terms of use and other agreements);

-Related to transactions involving our company, such as purchasing or selling business units, acquiring, merging, selling assets, or other similar events.

Your User Profile

The information you enter in the user profile (your "profile") may be shared with your contacts. You control your personal information and can access and modify it at any time from the application. In addition, if you register using your Facebook account (such as Facebook Connect), we may store your Facebook ID and corresponding token on our server. If you explicitly agree, we will have access to and may collect certain information about you for public use on Facebook (such as your first and last name, email address, profile photo, your friend list, and birthday). Your personal information can be used by other users who connect to your service on our application. In addition, unless you choose to exit, your personal information will be discovered by other users, such as in the contact list that includes your proximity to other users. You can also 'block' any user in your contact list from discovering your profile at any time. In addition, if you or your friends use the Facebook login service, we may pre fill your profile with certain information (such as your name and Facebook profile image).

Data Access and Removal

You can always control which information you choose to share with us on the service. To do this, you can change the settings in the service or mobile device. Alternatively, you can completely remove the service from your mobile device. You can delete your data at any time. If you request us to delete your account, we will make commercially reasonable efforts to delete your data from our server. (i) Any personally identifiable information that you share with other users in or through the application (i), or (ii) submitted on our website or other blogs, bulletin boards, or chat rooms, can be viewed and used by others, including sending you unsolicited information or engaging in identity theft. We are not responsible for any use or abuse of your information that may arise from your disclosure.

Service Providers

In some cases, we may enter into contracts with third parties to provide products and/or services related to services. In these cases, we may share your personal information with our third-party service providers, but only to provide services for you. For example, we may share your phone number or email with third-party SMS and email providers to send you verification SMS or email when you register. According to the contract, these third parties are required to only use your information for sending text messages or emails to you and use appropriate security measures to protect your information. In addition, some servers are owned and hosted by third-party service providers. This privacy policy does not apply to the practices of third-party service providers.

Outbound Links

If you visit a website, product, or service provided by a third party, including through services, the third party may also collect information about you. Please refer to the privacy policy of each such third party for more information on how they use the collected information. This privacy policy does not apply to any information exchange between you and any third party.

Opt-Out Promotional Communications

We allow you to choose not to receive promotional email messages and their service providers. You can choose to exit by following the instructions on how to unsubscribe from this specific email in the message sent by us or its service provider. You can also mail to "[email protected]" contact us and choose to exit.


Protecting user privacy and personal information is our top priority. We make every effort to ensure the privacy of all personally identifiable information you provide us. Access to all personally identifiable information is limited to those employees, contractors, agents, and third-party service providers who need to know that information to provide, operate, develop, maintain, support, or improve services. We use password protection, access logs, and system monitoring to protect the confidentiality and security of all member information.

Furthermore, due to the inherent characteristics of the Internet and related technologies, we do not guarantee that information under our control will not be lost, abused, or altered.


This service is not aimed at children under thirteen (13) years old, and as part of the service, we will not intentionally collect personal identity information of children under thirteen years old. If we discover that as part of the service, we have unintentionally received personally identifiable information from users under the age of 13, we will remove such information from our records. If we change our approach in the future, as part of the service, we will obtain prior and verifiable parental consent before collecting any personally identifiable information of children under the age of 13.


We may update our terms and conditions from time to time. Therefore, it is recommended that you regularly check this page to learn about any changes. We will notify you of any changes by posting new terms and conditions on this page. These terms and conditions come into effect from May 26, 2023.

Your rights

If you wish to use any of the following rights, you can always send an email to [email protected] Contact us. We will process and respond to your request within one month of receiving it, without unreasonable delay, unless the complexity of the request requires a longer period of time. In this case, according to Article 12 of GDPR, our response time can be up to three months at most.

1)Request access

You have the right to request access to the data we are processing regarding you, please refer to Article 15 of GDPR, including the following information:

-Purpose of processing categories of relevant personal data

-The recipient or category of recipients to whom personal data has been or will be disclosed

-Expected period for which personal data will be stored

In addition, you have the right to obtain a copy of the personal data being processed. Please note that access may be restricted due to intellectual property or trade secrets.

2) Right of opposition

When processing data in accordance with the balance of interests rule in Section 6 (1) (f) of GDPR, you have the right to object to our processing of your personal data on grounds related to your specific situation. Please refer to Article 21 of the General Data Protection Regulations. In this case, we will stop processing unless there are convincing legal reasons that override your interests, rights, and freedoms, or if processing is necessary to establish, exercise, or defend legitimate claims. You have the right to object to our processing of your personal data for direct marketing purposes at any time. After raising objections, we will stop processing your personal data for this purpose. Please note that if you exercise this right, your user license to use the service will automatically terminate.

3) Correction and deletion rights

You have the right to correct inaccurate personal data, please refer to Article 16 of GDPR. In addition, if any of the following reasons are met, you have the right to delete your personal data, please refer to Article 17 of GDPR:

-For the purpose of collecting or otherwise processing personal data, personal data is no longer required,

-If you have withdrawn your consent and there is no other legal basis for processing,

-If you oppose the handling and do not have overwhelming legal reasons to proceed,

-Personal data must be deleted to comply with legal obligations under the laws of the alliance or member states,

-Personal data is illegally processed or collected for the purpose of providing information society services.

Please note that if the data is necessary to fulfill legal obligations or establish, exercise, or defend legal requirements, your deletion rights may be restricted.

4) The right to withdraw consent You have the right to obtain processing restrictions in certain circumstances, please refer to Article 18 of GDPR. If you have the right to restrict, we will only process your data with your consent, or withdraw your consent for the purpose of establishing, exercising, or defending legitimate claims or for important reasons to protect personal or public interests. If we have obtained your consent to process your data, you have the right to withdraw your consent at any time, please refer to Article 7 of GDPR. If you withdraw your consent, we will stop processing the data that you have already withdrawn your consent, unless we have a legal obligation to retain some or all of your data. Please note that if you withdraw your consent, your user license to use the service will automatically terminate. Withdrawing your consent will not affect the legality of processing based on your consent prior to withdrawal.

5) The right of data portability You have the right to receive the personal data you provide to us. We process these data in a structured, common and machine-readable format, and have the right to transfer these data to another controller (if the processing is based on consent or contract performance, please refer to Article 20 of GDPR.


If you have any questions or suggestions about our Terms and Conditions, do not hesitate to contact us at [email protected]